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Abortion Pill Combipack

Abortion Pill Combipack

Regular price ₱11,699.70 PHP
Regular price ₱8,774.78 PHP Sale price ₱11,699.70 PHP
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Abortion pill combipack consists of all the medicines that might help you during the process.

  1. MTP kit
  2. Extra Miso
  3. Medicine for cramps and pain
  4. Medicine for vomiting
  5. Medicine for excess bleeding
  6. Iron supplements


  • Take the Mifepristone pill 24-48hours before taking the 4 pills of misoprostol. In case of 9-12 weeks, you make take additional 4 pills of misoprostol after 4 -6 hours of first dosage.
  • You may take the pain medicine – Drotaverine M – as your cramps begins. Effect should last for 12 hours.
  • You may take the vomit medicine – ONDANSETRON – half an hour before taking the abortion pills that is mifepristone and misoprostols.
  • You may consider taking – ETHAMCIP – in case of excessive bleeding. We need fetus to flow, not lose unnecessary blood.
  • Iron supplements can help alleviate fatigue, weakness, and a general lack of energy  by restoring normal hemoglobin levels, leading to improved energy levels and overall well-being.
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